With many races cancelled, including the flagship event at Kona, October is Ironman month at Resilient Nutrition

October was always going to be Ironman month for Resilient Nutrition, and considering we’re only two weeks in, it certainly hasn’t failed to deliver!

Max Thorpe - #ZerotoX

First up, Max Thorpe. Max is no stranger to arduous events, earlier in the year he (along with teammate Dave Spelman) broke the world record in the Talisker Whiskey Atlantic Challenge. So, it was only a matter of time before Max came up with another challenge. Last weekend Max completed the first of his #ZerotoX series of 100 day challenges, by taking on a full distance ironman, with just 100 days of training.

Max worked closely with Chief Science Officer Greg Potter to develop not only a tailored training plan to get Max race fit, but also a nutrition plan to make sure his body composition was as efficient as possible.

Of course, it was no surprise to any of us that Max absolutely smashed his own planned event (when Ironman Nice fell foul to Covid-19) in 14:35:00.

Darren Hardy - Deca-Ironman

This weekend, former soldier and extreme adventurer, Darren Hardy, will be beginning his Deca-Ironman, raising money for Help for Heroes. If you’re not familiar with a Deca-Ironman, its ten ironman triathlons, in ten consecutive days. If that wasn’t enough (!), Darren will be taking on a UK first, completing each Ironman event at a different location, which will culminate in a record breaking attempt by completing the final event in the London Eye. This is certainly no mean feat, with Darren clocking up 2, 260km in just ten days!

Like Max, Darren is no stranger to pushing his limits physically and mentally. In August, Darren covered 933km in seven days paddle boarding, cycling, and running the length of the country.

“Find your purpose and death will not threaten you” - Darren Hardy
Just Because Challenge - Yorkshire Triathlon

The Lads from Leeds and the Just Because Challenge took a big knock in June when (you guessed it), Covid-19 threw a spanner in the works and put paid to their ambition to become the first people to cycle from Lands End to John O'Groats, run back via the National three peaks, and then swim the largest lochs in Scotland and England on the way back to Lands End. Not wanting to sit still for too long, this week they'll be filling the gap with a triathlon around Yorkshire, consisting of a 21km swim down the Ouse to York, a 700km cycle around Yorkshire,  and a 687km run around the county boundary, covering a total of 1,408km in support of SSAFA.

Helen Murray - Inside Tri Show with 6x Ironman World Champion Dave Scott

And finally, our great friend, triathlon coach, host of the Inside Tri show and fellow professional nut butter addict, Helen Murray, spoke to 6x Ironman World Champion Dave Scott in the latest episode of the Inside Tri Show. During the episode, Dave talks openly about his mental health and his personal journey through depression.